Online Vintage Stores……..

Ages ago someone asked me to recommend some good Online Vintage stores for UK customers and to be honest I didn’t really know any! So I just said erm Rokit and Ebay….Probs not the answer they were looking for but to be honest most of the ‘Vintage’ I buy is from Oxfam, Demelza and Red Cross. A Lot of what I buy is simply second hand rather than ‘Vintage’ despite the word ‘Vintage’ popping out of my mouth whenever I am asked where something is from. It’s a natural reflex I spose………

According to my friend Wikipedia ‘clothing which was produced before the 1920s is referred to as antique clothing and clothing from the 1920s to 1980s is considered vintage.’ Though to be honest wikis not always spot on is he and I personally would say the 90’s is now vintage too.

Today I am going to share with you my top 3 vintage online stores, they are slightly more expensive that the £2 pound skirt and £1 shirt I often showcase on my bloggy, but you can do it from your own home without trawling through rails and rails of crap, you wont be sneezing every 5 minutes from the strange damp perfume smells and some of you probably even work too late to get the chance to rummage around second hand shops……..And lets face it Vintage is best as you wont have to worry that someone has the same dress on as you…..


RawEdgeBoutique has only been around since 31st Oct 2010. I didn’t actually find this one myself I was emailed the press release but ILOVEIT. The prices are the lowest out of any I have found online so far. I’ve seen worse things go for higher prices on Ebay!! So this is a real Gem!


Yayer has a mix of Vintage and New though personally I just go on there for the Vintage! The price is slightly higher than RawEdgeBoutique (Still inexpensive though!). They have a really large selection of things on here all wonderfully selected to suit their cool boho vibe (Their stuff reminds me a bit of NastyGal actually) Most importantly of all their mohair cardigans are A-MAZING seriously A-MAZING!

Last but not least my guilty pleasure which is Rokit. Probs do not need to say much about this one as it’s so pop. But I will say there is a huge amount of clothing on here I could look for hours. Probs the most expensive of the 3 but they always have something that I want so much that I’d pay however much for it anyway!!


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